Zorflex® LA Wound Contact Layer 15cm x 25cm 10

Zorflex® LA Wound Contact Layer 15cm x 25cm 10


$533.97 (ex GST)

Product Code: 15616

Unit: BOX

Qty Per Unit: 10

Brand: Sentry Medical


Zorflex® Low Adherent (LA) Long Fibre Activated Carbon Cloth provides an excellent alternative to traditional antimicrobial dressings that may contain chemical agents such as silver, iodine or PHMB. Zorflex® LA offers a less adhesive wound contact layer as an alternative solution to the original Zorflex® dressing, minimising patient pain and trauma on dressing removal. Suitable For: Wounds with suspected or proven infection or biofilm pressure Wounds with unviable tissue Malodorous wounds Product Features: Zorflex® offers three actions that promote wound healing and patient wellbeing 1. Chemical free antimicrobial action 2. Electrical conduction for accelerated tissue formation 3. Reduction of MMPs, pain and odour. Low adherent Free draining supporting greater secondary dressing options e.g. super absorbents, foams and NPWT