No Rinse Floor Cleaner 1L 9

The enzymes in our No Rinse Floor Cleaner break down stains & odours into their basic elements. Carbon, hydrogen and other elements readily integrate with the environment instead of polluting it. Even mineral buildups simply fall apart when our enzymes break down the organic ‘glue’ that holds it in place. This Product: Contains a proprietary soap-free multi-enzyme formula...


$158.71 (ex GST)

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No Rinse Floor Cleaner 5L 3

Enzyme Wizard – No Rinse Floor Cleaner 5 Litre is another great organic and safe product for your family and business. Breaking down stains and odours into their basic elements. Carbon, hydrogen and other elements readily integrate with the environment instead of polluting it. No rinsing, simple just Mop and Go. Saves an incredible amount of time, even mineral buildups are no challenged...


$130.85 (ex GST)

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Urine Stain & Odour Remover 750ml 9

Enzyme Wizard Urine Stain and Odour Remover is an all-in-one urine remover that does the job on all urine - cat urine, dog urine and human urine. All urine consists of urea and uric acid crystals. Some general cleaners can remove the water-soluble components of urine (urea) but leave behind the nonsoluble uric acid crystals that retain the odour and stain. These crystals attach to surfaces and...


$182.25 (ex GST)

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Toilet and Bathroom Cleaner 750ml 9

Enzyme Wizard Toilet / Bathroom Cleaner is a concentrated formula specifically blended for removal of organic matter. Safely removes hard water and calcium deposits from all surfaces. Has a rapid penetrating action that breaks down all organics by using an organic salt (Ca). Eliminates odours by destroying the source of the problem. Replaces the need of using bleach in a washroom / bathroom...


$110.42 (ex GST)

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All Purpose Spray 750ml 9

Enzyme Wizard All Purpose Surface Spray safely cleans all surfaces around the Home & Office as well as general areas that need to be cleaned. Organic multi enzyme formula Breaks down the fats, oils and grease that bacteria feed on. Safe on any surface that can take water. Eliminates Foul Odours at the source. Gentle for Allergies, Asthma & skin irritations Suitable for all surfaces -...


$96.06 (ex GST)

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Multipurpose Bathroom Kitchen Spray and Wipe 750ml 9

The enzymes in our Multi-Purpose Bathroom / Kitchen Spray and Wipe break down stains & odours into their basic elements. Carbon, hydrogen and other elements readily integrate with the environment instead of polluting it. Even mineral buildups like calcium and lime simply fall apart when our enzymes break down the organic ‘glue’ that holds it in place. Plus, our enzymes...


$96.06 (ex GST)

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Surface Sanitiser & Disinfectant 750ml 9

EnviroWizard Hand Sanitiser is an environmentally friendly, safe and non-toxic, high-performance hand sanitiser. EnviroWizard Hand Sanitiser is formulated using safe, organic ingredients that are derived from natural plant extracts and other natural ingredients. All of the ingredients in the EnviroWizard Hand Sanitiser are GRAS (Generally Recognised as Safe). According to the American Food...


$105.58 (ex GST)

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